Dare to Dream!
June 2, 2021Rich's Pieces
Scientific Faith
Imagine jumping in an Aston Martin, or a Bentley and whizzing down the German autobahn at 240 mph. Maintaining this speed, in a half-hour you would go 120 miles. Every fifteen minutes you would go 60 miles. Every minute you would go 4 miles.
Each second, you would travel about 0.06 miles. Got it? Very fast, right?
Now imagine traveling at 186,000 miles per second? Obviously we can, but we can’t. To imagine how fast that would be is too much for the human brain to comprehend. Well my friends, this is the speed of light. It would go around the earth 7 1/2 times in one second.
Imagine if we invented a space ship that could travel this fast and wanted to explore the universe.
Seeing as planet Earth is somewhere close to the middle of the Milky Way, how long do you think it would take to get out of our own galaxy into interstellar space?....traveling at 186,000 miles per second. The answer: It would take about 75,000 years.
Let’s say that we have aspirations of traveling over to the next closest galaxy, Andromeda? How long would it take to get there? The answer is 2.5 million years. That is a lot of space in between two galaxies that look like they are a few feet apart to our eye when we look up to the bright, twinkling blotches in the night sky.
The Universe is full of space, not stars.
Is your mind blown yet? Is this a science lesson? No! Keep reading.
The Milky Way and Andromeda are two galaxies out of more than 100 billion. Each galaxy could have 100 million stars in it, most of them with planets circling around them. Imagine if God created life on other planets that are just far enough away that the multiple life forms can never, ever discover each other? He knows that we must never meet.
Somethings we know, proved by Science and some things we will never understand. God has put himself far enough away that He can only be discovered by human Faith?
And what if we made it to beginnings of time, after 14 billion years of travel, only to find out that there is another side of the universe going the other direction. We find out that it is twice as big as we imagined.
This is my definition of the word ‘Faith.’ Wherever He hides, we will never see.